
At ANIP, we consider there are two important tenants of the Christian faith to consider:

  1. Faithful stewardship and Return on Investment.  It is God that has so generously given us talents, gifts, assets and resources, and we have a responsibility to be faithful in our use of them for His purpose, and His glory. (See Mat 27).

  1. Wise risk taking.  Mat 17 implores us that when we are given a gift from God, there is an expectation of return.  That in its very nature requires us to take risk, to not hide our light under the table, but to shine it on a hill.  The key though is to take intentional, God honouring risks, not reckless or uniformed risks.

Risk Management is simply the intentional way we relate to people, the way we manage our assets and the way care for his creation.  Insurance is one way that we can be wise in protecting the resources He has given for our care.

Insurance: The Basics

Following are the different types of insurance available through ANIP.  Each type of insurance is available when a premium is paid for each, and naturally they are all subject to the insurance policy terms conditions and exclusions:

Property (Industrial Special Risks): 

Protection for physical assets, including parish or contents and including some cover for money and personal property.  The major covers including flood, storm, fire and accidental damage.  Cover can also include loss of income, rentals and other losses consequential to the damage to physical assets.

Business Interruption

Cover for loss of income/profits and additional costs of working following a major property incident

Public/Products Liability

Cover for liability to pay compensation to third parties for personal injury or damage to property, including liability arising from the ownership of buildings or land used in connection with the business.  This is a negligence based cover, so will only be applied when the school is shown to have breached a duty of care.  Molestation and abuse is included as part of public liability.

Professional Indemnity

Cover for any civil liability to pay compensation and costs in relation to a claim for a breach of professional duty for an act, error or omission in the professional conduct of a schools activities.

Management Liability

Cover for claims against directors, office holders and the board of the legal entity for wrongful acts committed while acting in their capacity as a director or officer.  This cover also extends to employment practices breaches.

Hall Hirers Cover

Cover for third parties who hire school owned halls.


This provides protection for loss of money and property as a direct result of any fraudulent or dishonest acts by directors, employees, committees or volunteers of the association.

Motor Vehicle

Insurance for commercial and/or private, comprehensive and/or third party

Contract Works

Insurance for loss or damage to buildings during construction.

Corporate Travel

Various covers for property and people who are travelling overseas or interstate on school authorised business.  These trips need to be declared in advance and may include some incidental private travel.

Voluntary Workers

Various covers for people injured while engaged in officially recognised voluntary work. This cover is a no fault cover.

Student Accident

No fault cover to provide some basic benefits for students who are injured during school activities.

Cyber Insurance

Cover for cyber events such as denial of service, fraud, phishing and spear phishing attacks, man in the middle, malware and virus.